Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ahhh - love that long weekend

This wonderful pile of wood chips had been delivered at the farm/studio just before the long weekend so one of our early tasks was to get the chips spread on all the flower beds and around the trees along the driveway. It didn't take long but sure did make a difference in how all the plantings looked.

With that job checked off our list we found some quiet time to listen to the critters of the night. We spend our week in a suburban community and when we are at the farm on weekends it's just amazing the number of animals you can hear when you don't have other sounds drowning them out. A rip roaring fire in the fire pit, beer in hand, chatting with the hubby (my roadie) and looking up at the stars. Ahhh... this is how a long weekend is meant to be spent.

After going to the Highland Store for breakfast on Sunday (another one of my favorite rituals on weekends at the farm) we found this little fawn in the grass about 30 yards from the studio. Patiently waiting for mom to come back to get her. How cute is that??

Unfortunately, I think her mom is also eating the plants in the garden we just put wood chips in so maybe that's not as cute. Oh well, ya gotta take the good with the bad.

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